Our Beliefs
We believe in the existence of the "Triune Headship of God (1 John 5:7) says, "there are three that bear witness in heaven: The Father, the Word (Jesus the Son), and the Holy Spirit; and these three are one". We believe in the finished Work of the cross: Salvation is a finished work. Salvation is an act of grace, through faith, not of works (Ephesians 2:8). Salvation is available to all who confess and believe (Romans 10:9 & 10).
We believe in the Power of God’s Word. We believe that it is the expressed Will and Ways of God for mankind. We also believe that the Word of God is infallible and bears no fault (Heb. 4: 12). We believe in God’s Holy Spirit. We believe He is a person, not an experience. He is our Witness that we are the children of God (Rom. 8: 16). We believe that He is the Comforter promised by the Savior. He is guidance and peace to anyone who believes He is. We believe in Water Baptism (by immersion in water). We believe baptism is an outward expression of the inward change. Baptism is commanded by the Father, and was obeyed by Jesus, the Son. (Matt. 3:13-16)
We are a Restoration Station
for the Lost & Broken
Our Mission
To help them that have been restored find their God- given gifts, talents and mandates, then by the Holy Spirit, through the spoken and lived word, push them into a fully-functioning place in God. We will be a resting place, a restoration station, and lastly, a launch pad for purpose and destiny for any who would allow us to serve.
Our Vision
Our vision is to aid Christ in the restoration of His people back to Him, by the way of preaching, teaching, and most of all living His word. In this, we will be a demonstration of God's word, in words and in deeds.
The Journey
In the spring of 2002, His Dwelling Place Worship Center began as a vision and a passion to see the Lord govern a house that we have always called His House. For many years of ministry, we watched men refuse to give God control in a place named for Him, “the Church!”
Our beginnings were in David Clayton and Sons Funeral Home where we tried to raise the dead. Since then, we have experienced the move of God in many diverse ways. We found that if we gave Him room to move in His House, He did, changing lives with every step.
​It has been fourteen very fast years, and our Pastor, with strength from the Lord and the Lord’s people, shows no signs of letting up or giving up. His Dwelling Place Worship Center invites you to come and join us in making history.